Animal Adventures

Animal Adventures
Billabong Sanctuary with Cousin Josie

Monday, February 10, 2014

My Dog Went To The Vet

Today my dog went to the vet.
He had an operation to desex him. At Green Cross Vets AITKENVALE.
He got stitches they look a bit red. He is also in a cone. The cone stops him scratching the wound.
He looks a bit miserable. When he tries to scratch it makes a funny noise        The first photo is before the next photo is now.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

This is My Dog ... Buddy

This is my dog.  His name is Buddy.  We sort of named him after his Dad who was Toydoir Tickle Me Elmo.  So we called him Toydoir Tickle Me Buddy ... Buddy for short.  Buddy is a pure bred toy poodle.  He is apricot and likes to play.  He is full of energy.  He likes to play on the grass and he loves eating it.  He's got a chew toy but it's too small.
This is me and my furry friend

This is my furry friend on my belly

This is him asleep in the car
This is Buddy alseep on my lap and I'm also asleep

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


These are my new little toys.  Their names are Howlette, Flamy, Elfa 1, Elfa 2, Vampula 1, Vampula 2, Lil'D, Luanne, Buttershy 1, Buttershy 2, Mermalade and Spellinda.  The big ones come with brushes, hair ties and hair attachments.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Birthday

These are some photos of my birthday which was a couple of weeks ago.  I went to Magnetic Island with my Mum and Dad.  I got to take the day off school.  I got a hand bag, a purse, some bling sets, a racket ball set and lots of other good stuff.  I enjoyed my BIRTHDAY!

This is me with Mummy & Daddy

This is me at Horse Shoe Bay.  I am standing near the stinger net.

Monday, September 2, 2013

My New Puppy

In a couple of weeks, we are going to get a brand new toy poodle puppy.  It is a boy and it is apricot.  It's name is Buddy.  Buddy is a very cute dog.  We have got some things for him.  We got a bed, a collar, a lead, some clothes, some towels and some toys.  Buddy will be the first puppy I have ever had.  We'll have lots more information later.  Here is photo of Buddy at two weeks old.  He is the aprioct poodle on the right.

My USA Trip

In February I went to America.  We went to Disneyland, I got to have fairy floss and go on some rides.  We went to Las Vegas.  We also went to M&M World and we met three dogs. There names were Luca, Biscuit and Mo. I enjoyed my trip.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Animal Artwork

Today I did some pictures with my Mum.  They were of animals  and I like them and they had butterflies on the paper because Mum and I drew them and coloured them.  I like doing pictures of animals with my Mum and Dad. My arm felt like it was going to fall off, so I put a bandage on it and now it feels better and I like my bandage lots and lots. I am sorry but it isn't the end. In my animal pictures there are cats and rainbows and suns and walls.  I like the rainbows and suns and walls and cats.